An application in Miracles (ACIM) clearly points out how perception and choice are very closely linked together. As long as we perceive error, the tendency is to continue to choose error through judgment thereby making error more real. We are the original source choosing awareness, placing judgment on similar results, and finally judging those results as being real as well. All of this leads us back to perception and choice and to start the cycle once again.
As you perceive, you judge and project; and as you judge and project, you perceive back. Having perceived the judgments and projections back with you, you will now judge those and project them outward unless you want to perceive the results back. The ego knows no other way. It is a continuous judgmental cycle until you may break it; and yes, there is a way to do just that. There is one obvious choice off the merry-go-round, and it is so simple you will scratch your head in wonder you felt the necessity not thought of it before now.
Choice remains unsettling because if you make choices that further the error, or take you deeper into the illusion, it seems just just like you are simply just making choices between the lessor of two evils. That's because you are only choosing between the sides of the wrong mind. The ego has a "wrong" and "right" side but neither is the true Right Mind of the Holy Spirit. If there was ever a new Year's resolution worth keeping, it would be: Stop judging and turn them over to the Holy Spirit for correction instead.
The Tiny Insane Idea:
The original break up is considered a "tiny insane idea" whereby you thought you used to be separated from source. This is also called "the error" and is the original choice for judgment of the ego. Already down that road in the mind, it becomes another layer if you judge the consequences, or similar effect, from the error as cause. Therefore every time you judge what you see or what is happening in the world, and you may believe the ego about it, you are choosing the error as cause once again. Similar effects show up which reinforce your belief in error.
These judgments further split out the split mind instead of returning it to peace. Hence, this is why is seems like you are choosing between the lessor of two evils with neither one really being "less". The error has never occurred and only seems real because of your choice of internal Teacher. Choosing the ego is like choosing a turning door with only one exit.
ACIM says there is no order of difficultly in miracles and that means there is no order of difficulty in choices. One is exactly the same as the next, handled in precisely the same manner. Every problem is equal because they all stalk from the same cause. You think one is harder because of your belief and addition to it as being more real than another.
Choosing one Maker:
The fastest way to turn choice from an unsettling phenomena one of illusion is to try using your decision maker, or onlooker, to choose differently. Actually, if you wanted to manufacture a judgment up against the ego, there is only one appropriate choice to make curso de milagros: Choose to use your decision maker to choose up against the ego and in favor of the Holy Spirit. It's such enormous power when harnessed and used to choose instead for the truth.
Using the decision maker can be difficult to understand without request. It is an action-oriented mechanism of using, or choosing. That really is its big secret and now you know it. You have to do the work of choosing. Reading these ideas is not enough. Request is everything. Simply be able to learn how. You will make mistakes, but so what? We all do. Try again.
Think of the ego like a coin system in a can. Every time you listen to and believe an ego judgment, you put a coin in the can for that intended theme because you chose it. Remain in doing this, and you will fill the can until overflowing. Step back into simple, which is choosing one maker, and grow able to turn over those judgments to the Right Mind for correction, and you actually spend a coin from the can instead.
Stay in the straightforward decision maker, or onlooker, and wait out the tantrum of the ego. It is merely an indication of how much you have picked up that section of the thought system. Don't act on it! The ego usually spends all of those other can of coins trying to tell you back into the judgments. You don't have to do anything except be willing and actually spend what you hear to the Right Mind via choosing one making capability. You are choosing between the sides of the split mind. That is choice as an illusion.